
We Love Trees is certified as a Small Business Enterprise and a Washington Micro Business!

Our goal is to provide you with safe and affordable tree care that preserves and enhances the health and beauty of your trees.


who we are

Find out about our company, mission, our methods, and our motivation.

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Our passion is in the name... We Love Trees!

We Love Trees is your best choice for educated tree care. Our services include: tree pruning, tree and pest diagnostics, tree removal, cabling and bracing, hazardous tree removal, and emergency and storm damage. Read more about our services here.

James’ major focus as an Arborist is the Biology and Physiology of trees because he figured “You can’t take care of something correctly if you don’t know how it works.”

You can feel confident knowing that when you choose We Love Trees for your tree care, you will be given all the information you need to make an informed decision.